The Larkin Place

hello and welcome to the place

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Late Post of Josephs October Birthday - '05

We picked up Joseph from Spring Harbor hospital (a 2 hour drive) and celebrated his 10th Birthday. As you can see in these photos, he had more time at Chuck E Cheeses than the rest of us. With all his sensory issues, I thought he would loose it. I know the place was overstimulating for me.

Joseph has been in Spring Harbor since July 26, 2005. This is his third hospitalization for aggression issues related to his autism in the last 3 years.

For a brief review of Josephs autism history:
*19 mos. Although he taught himself to read and write from a video - he could not understand
"go pick up the ball"
*He was diagnosed at 2.5 years.
*He went to a premier new ABA programming preschool in Bangor, ME.
*He was their first graduate into Kindergarten. Went to Vine St. School.
*By the first grade, the school he attended, Vine St. School had created the first ABA based programming for school aged children with autism in Bangor. Joseph attended this school for almost three full years.
*In November of 2003, Josephs aggression had become out of control. He was recommended to attend a "specialty behavioral school"
*December 2003 Joseph needed hospitalization for his aggression. He spent 4 weeks on a pediatric unit of a hospital because there were no programs available to an autistic child with a secondary (psychiatric) diagnosis.
*January 2004 Joseph was transferred to Spring Harbor Hospital in Portland Maine. Two weeks later, we moved him home to Dedham, ME
*April 2005 Joseph was hospitalized at Acadia Hospital again for aggression. Three weeks later, and over medicated, we brought him home in no better shape.
*July 2005 Joseph was hospitalized at Spring Harbor Hospital in Portland ME. They had created the only in-state psych unit for children with Developmental Disabilities opened in March 2004.
Hmm. there is more to write, but I wanted to get this published.. Ill add more later.. Jeanette

Monday, January 30, 2006

When Will Spring Come???

For me there is nothing better than sitting by running water. It doesnt matter what Im doing, its the water that means everything.
Symbolism includes cleansing, movement and letting go. Water, which is yielding in nature, can reshape the hardest rock.
Is there a living thing that can do without water?
The date may be January 30, but my heart swells with the spring stream in my backyard.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

World Yoga

"World Yoga"
A watercolor painted recently inspired by visualizations during Kundalini Yoga practice. The deep feeling of peace while practicing yoga often cannot be explained. Each of us creates our own energy and that energy intwines with all in the universe. We are all connected.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Bandit comes home

Here he is - the new addition to the family. Cute and cuddly, Bandit the Great!

Nine weeks old on the 23rd of December. More photo shoots to come. Right now

we are chasing him around, cleaning up after him and opening other gifts.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Begins the Blog

This is my first attempt at this "Blog" thing, so bear with me. My intention here is to make a online site for reference into topics such as Art, Music, Autism, Gardening, Yoga and more. These topics may not seem related, but to the parent of a special needs child, I found dedication to feeding the soul is a life saver. This soulfood not only serves myself but also my children.

So, Here Goes, wish me luck